Our guests were Melora and Keith, Sophie and Sam...and...Corinne, Natalee, and Harrison.

The three girls stuck together like glue for 3 days...

...while the guys did their own things.

Here's the boys planning to "destroy Grandpa" with their various Nerf guns.

The battle is on...Grandpa knows no fear, and little boys run for their lives.

The battle is over too soon...Grandpa watches the "agony of defeat" with very little sympathy.

Meanwhile the girls have become more creative while taking over the boys' domain in their absense.

Soon everyone is in the "swim" of things where they stayed most of Saturday and Monday. The pool has a "day of rest" on Sunday. Meanwhile we played games and did puzzles and crafts. Notice the "Statue of Liberty" pose.

A few days before they came, Natalee broke her hand and wasn't about to let it ruin her swimming. We wrapped up her cast and she spent the whole time holding her arm above water while swimming all over and never got her cast wet. Remarkable!!

Melora also did some sunnning by the pool and at least got her feet wet.

Grandpa had to do some work in his office, so Sam did too.

Sam will do his best to talk anyone into anything, and it usually works on Grandpa.

Melora brought home some beautiful sunflowers from the store. We look forward to more which we have planted by the fence behind the pool and are just beginning to bloom.

Judi suggested homemade ice cream for the weekend, then she couldn't come.

So we saved her some for when she came to pick up her kids.

A beautiful end to a beautiful day.
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