Thursday, August 12, 2010


As part of our Young Womens activity night around pioneer day we made appropriate refreshments starring some of our favorite movie actors. Beside me is Mercedes, one of our YW, and my counselor Carina.
The sunflowers are beginning to bloom...from this... this... this. I am so excited about these sunflowers that next year we'll plant them all along the fence.

We went to Harrison's last soccer game...they won! Harrison made 3 goals. In fact he basically didn't even need the other members of his team.

We spent a few days in Utah to attend Gary's nephew's wedding in the SL temple. We stayed at Robert''s a very nice picture of Robert and Gary...full of pizza! No wonder they look happy.

Here's the reception line. Gary's sister Cindy (mother of the groom in pink) recently received her endowments and surprised us at the temple. What a thrill!

Here's my old college roommate and high school church friend that found each other a few years ago in American Fork, then found me. We had a wonderful Sunday together.

Sister Julie Lutz was in our mission in Korea. She honored us with a visit on her way back to BYU from a summer internship in Seattle.

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