Sunday, July 4, 2010


The trip to Bobbi's was timed for Michael's and my birthdays. Here is my beautiful Christ sculpture.
At Michael's baptism...looking pretty much like he usually does. Nice meeting!

Bobbi hosted a very nice luncheon for family and friends after the baptism.

When Bobbi lived in Quincy we visited Nauvoo every time we went to see her. This time the drive was about 4 times as long, but we went anyway. It was a great day. Here's Michael making rope.

The pause that refreshes...while eating our fudge from the fudge shoppe, enjoying a very nice day at Nauvoo.

One of my favorite statues...Joseph and Hyrum riding towards sure matrydom together.

Then the most exciting attraction in the city, the restored Nauvoo temple.

Michael, David and friend beating the heat in a series of 5 second dips in the cold water, then...

...warming up on the hot cement driveway. They went back and forth, back and forth for a good 15 minutes.

The biggest tourist attraction in St. Louis is the Jefferson National Expanson Memorial AKA the St. Louis Gateway Arch commemorating the western expansion from the eastern United States.
It's almost impossible to photograph it in one shot, so....'s the top.

Three of us after a very interesting inside gondola ride to the top.

We toured the museum but after viewing this display we decided to get the heck out of there before it closed and things began to come to life.

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