Monday, November 7, 2011


The oil portrait of us is finally framed and hanging over the piano. We know the kids will fight over it after we're gone, like..."you take it"..."no, you can have it."

Gary then made a frame for the finished family puzzle and it's hanging below the London picture on the stair landing...eye level when you come in the front door. What a fun picture.

Gary's heel surgery went well and this is how he races around the house except for stairs. He climbs up on his hands and knees and slides down on his behind. This will go on for several more weeks. Now it's my turn to wait on him...well, more than usual anyway.

Just a few of the Thanksgiving decorations we have around the house.

1 comment:

Pieces of me... said...

I have always Loved framed puzzles, and hope to get the one puzzle I've finished, put in a frame. :) I can just picture Gary going up and down the stairs, no doubt he can't Wait until his heel is properly healed.