Our original intent was to start the drive home Sunday after the cruise (we were very glad to find a church near our hotel where we were able to attend before and after the cruise which starts and ends on Sundays) and arrive at Rich's on Monday, then home on Tuesday. Well, first Pam asked Gary if he wanted Jay's Blazer tickets for Wed. night to go with Rich, so we decided to stay a couple more days. Then Austin used his heart-melting look to ask if we could stay for his basketball game on Sat. morning which added another couple of days at Rich's. We enjoyed being there although we didn't get home until Sat. afternoon with a SS lesson and a talk to prepare, a car to unpack and hundreds of dirty clothes.

Our first activity was a treasure hunt for a Valentine bag of stickers, candy, and balloons. Each kid followed a series of clues to finally find their "prize."

They were upstairs and downstairs and all over.

All the grandchildren get Valentine packages, but it was fun being with these kids at their house doing the treasure hunt. Wish I could have done that for all the rest of them.

Jessi and "Shoo Fly."

Little Ella, the very daintiest of 10 month olds.

Here Jessi gets the camera bug and below are a few shots of the 25-30 that she took.

I will spare you the rest as they were pretty bad...people making faces, big feet, and the ceiling.
The game!!!!
It's hard to get a good picture at a ball game, but here's Austin in black #1...rebound...
...and on the run. He scored 6 points.
Vacation is over!!
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