Friday, May 20, 2011

Weight loss

Last week I lost 4 pounds in 3 hours. It was quick, but a method I don't recommend for everyone. The good part was support and time with my daughter Pam who came up from Portland for the biopsy and again for the first few days after my surgery. Her experience with the same surgery a few years ago was the support I needed to help me accept and make it through.

I'm not finished yet by any means. There is much additional treatment ahead of me. I have received many cards, emails, and prayers from family and friends, and support from other cancer survivors that I am just overwhelmed.

This wasn't a surprise to me; from the beginning I was pretty sure they would find cancer after the first mammogram. I really feel that I was being prepared ahead of time by the Spirit. I believe that many good things can come from our trials, and I have already seen some and am looking forward to more.

1 comment:

Pieces of me... said...

I love your faith, it strengthens mine! God bless you Carol, and we all love you so much!