The snowfall was admittedly beautiful.
And then there was Mt. Shhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssta!
Saturday we attended the San Diego temple which is so extremely unique and gorgeous...both on the outside and inside.
We discovered a new historic site in Old Town San Diego, dedicated to the Mormon Battalion which ended in San Diego. Gary has an illustrious ancester who marched in the battalion (Lot Smith.) The presentation was very interesting and we learned how much the march benefitted the church as a whole, and how much help they gave the locals when they arrived in San Diego.
Somehow these modes of transportation don't coincide.
AH!!!! SUNDAY! The ship! This was the nicest Carnival ship we've ever been on...The Carnival Spirit.
The first event (right after the buffet, of course) was Sacrament meeting in a lounge...the Sacrament was served instead of liquor, and we were favored to a sermon by John Bytheway, who is THE reason we took this cruise. We were not disappointed. We're sitting in the back with Gary's brother Brian and his wife, Robin.
Monday was "at sea", so we did some exploring, ate, played games, ate, saw the show, ate and actually enjoyed our very nice of the best we've ever had. Here's just a couple of shots of stuff on the cruise...always love the glass elevators.
This is serious Chess, but the guys didn't play...probably the pieces were too heavy for a couple of old men.
Brian and Gary looked for fish....
Robin and I sat on the beach.
TUESDAY at Cabo San Lucas...snorkeling day.
This is a view from the Sea of Cortez through the opening to the Pacific Ocean ("Eye to the Pacific") one can go through to the other side...or they never return because of the strong current. ;(
WEDNESDAY we tendered to shore to do some shopping.
This guy was still as a statue until he winked and waved.
Those are real seals, not rocks. It's noisy and stinky.
Okay, here's coming back to the ship on the tender. Gary took a video of my driving the boat but it wouldn't upload. The guy had me blow the horn and when I threatened to park it along side the ship, he finally took back the wheel. I have no idea what the other passengers were thinking during this time...probably considering jumping out.
John Bytheway wasn't the only celebrity on board. Here's Freddie...a replica of the Carnival smokestack.
We had the cutest waiter on board ship I think. This is Amazin' Jason from the Phillipines. We videod his dance when all the waiters performed but wouldn't upload either. (Must be my antiquated computer. You wouldn't belive how many times I have upload failures or long delays while I'm trying to blog.) He was one of two dancers standing on tables in the center during the waiters' performance, and boy...did he have the moves!! We had a great time with him all week. I think we got some special attention...well, probably mostly because of Gary. You know how he attracts the fun people.
Now, this shot is more up close and personal. Bytheways are some of the nicest people you could ever meet. Everyone just loves them. He is the most entertaining comedian and spiritual speaker...all in the same talk. We bought a book and he signed it. We hope to sail with him again sometime.
Here's a couple of photos that I lost in my computer and found again that should go along with my previous post. Couldn't resist adding them.
Wow what an amazing trip. I'd love to cruise with the bytheways and I've always wanted to go to the San Diego temple.
What a fun and gorgeous trip!! I have to say, the San Diego temple is one of the prettiest on the outside I've ever seen. My brother got married there :)
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