Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Lemon Sisters

While in Houston we added to the "cousins' lemon tasters' club, starting with Caitlin and Courtney who have never looked so pitiful in all the years I've known them.

Brianne, on the other hand, was a little skeptical about how to react to something that didn't taste all that bad. This is a familiar look of hers anyway.

Tiffany, who hasn't had that much experience in lemon tasting, knew she was supposed to make a face but didn't exactly know how to go about it.

But Victoria must be cheerful all the time (is she?) because these pictures had a bite of lemon in between and you can hardly tell the difference.

SO...welcome Turner girls to Grandma's Cousins Lemon Tasting Club. Congratulations!

PS: Isn't anyone out there old enough to remember the Lennen Sisters from the Lawrence Welk Show?

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