Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Our main purpose for a trip over to Bellevue/Redmond last weekend was to attend the wedding reception of a sweet little sister we served with in the mission. But it turned out to have lots of bonus activities as well.

After an afternoon at the movies on Thursday we spent a nice long evening with our old friends, the Days. Karen, if you're looking at this picture I apologize for not checking it after I took it to get a better one because you're just as cute as ever.

Friday morning we did a session on our old temple shift, thereby seeing many of our friends that we served with way back when.

Saturday was soccer. Here is a view of the assistant coach that you may not recognize (maybe I should apologize to her also) due to the red hair. She said it's temporary but she just needed a change. Gary had a bit of a hard time since she suddenly looked more like Sue than ever. ;)

Sophie was top goaler...she's so fast she's a blur.

She goes in for the score!

Here's Sam on his way to the goal.

And it's a high kick for #20.

To add to our before and after lemon collection, here's Sam's "before."

...and after.

Sophie's quite optimistic!

OOO...worse than she thought! Keep tuned in for other before and after lemon photos in future blogs.

And finally...the bride and groom. Caroline was one of the sweetest sisters we met. We were so excited to find out she was from Bellevue. She is full Korean, but she was born and raised in the US and didn't know any Korean until she learned on her mission. They served a huge Korean dinner at the reception. Gary really enjoyed the meal...he does like Korean food, and every other kind. ;)
Great weekend!!!

1 comment:

Pieces of me... said...

What a fun weekend Carol :)